Self-Care Routine


Self-Care is all bout how you care for yourself in all aspects of life. There are many different ways to help yourself and here I will give you some ideas of how.

Why it’s important?

  1. Helps to regulate emotions- when we are able to regulate our emotions we are able to accomplish goals. For example, I recently experienced a traumatic event and in order to get back to my “normal” life I needed to establish some morning and night routines. For me, my morning routine that I found the most effective was called the SAVERS Method from “Miracle Morning” written by Hal Elrod. The SAVERS method is a morning routine consisting of six 10 minute sections. These are the sections in the SAVERS method:
  • S: Silence
  • A: Affirmations
  • V: Visualize
  • E: Exercise
  • R: Read
  • S: Scribe

I will provide examples for each of these six sections.

For the silence section, I either meditated or prayed for 10 minutes. It depended on what I was feeling for the day. Some days I would meditate in silence, other days I would search on YouTube a ten minute guided meditation.

As far as affirmations, I wrote several meditations ahead of time and said them aloud for 10 minutes.

Visualize, I would look at my vision board I made at the beginning of 2020 for ten minutes.

Exercise, I would stretch, do yoga or roll a ball on my back for ten minutes.

Reading, I would read a book for ten minutes.

Lastly, I would write only positive things in my journal for ten minutes.

At first, it took quite a bit of effort to develop and implement this morning routine, but I felt significantly better after my morning routine. For instance, I would feel like I accomplished so much before I began my day and I was also able to work through a lot of emotions associated with my traumatic event.

2. Sleep Routines:

Once I was able to to establish my morning routine, I began to work on my night routine, which consisted of establishing a new routine. What I found effective was setting a timer for 7 minutes writing down any and all thoughts that came to my mind. With this I was able to release any thoughts that may effect my mind to rest. Once I did this, I wrote 3 things that I was grateful for.

3. Helps to live a fulfilling life:

Since I have been working on establishing routines, I have been able to live a more fulfilling life because I am able to find peace and gratitude.

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