Are you overtraining?


How do you know if you are overtraining in the gym? Don’t know? Well your body will be the first to tell you, your job is to listen to it.

Overtraining can lead to fatigue, declining performance, and even burnout. It can happen with any fitness routine, and with any age. Here are some things you can ask yourself before you head to the gym.

  1. Did i get enough sleep last night?
  2. If you track your heart rate regularly, was your am resting heart rate normal for you?
  3. Have you eaten enough? And had enough water?
  4. Are you dreading the workout or thinking about not doing it?
  5. Do you feel more sore or achy then usual?
  6. Do you have and illness or injuries?

Depending on your answer to these questions depends on if you should hit the gym, or maybe take a rest day. Most people will feel sore or tired after a work out that will typically start a few hours after your workout. But you will usually feel better within a couple of days. After some rest and refueling you should be ready to tackle your next workout.

There are symptoms to overtraining and it is important to recognize them and listen to your body, here are some symptoms.

  1. A decline in performance or lack of progress
  2. Increased exertion during normal or even easy workouts
  3. overheating, or excess sweating
  4. Stiffness, Heaviness, or soreness of muscles
  5. reoccurring injuries
  6. skipping or quitting workouts

Make sure you take your rest days just as serious as the days you are putting in work, overtraining does not just physically take a toll on you, it will reek havoc on your mental state.

  1. a decline in your confidence
  2. a lack of interest in other hobbies or interests
  3. unusual emotions or mood swings
  4. New problems with sleeping
  5. problems with concentration at work or in school

These are just some of them and there is a lot of great information out there about overtraining. Remember it is important to listen to your body. Try to understand what it is saying to you, because it will tell you, believe me you will want to listen before your body starts yelling at you. Resting and refueling appropriately are a crucial key in keeping your self from overtraining. I hope this piece of info helps you and you do some more research into overtraining and what it can do to your mind spirit and body. Take care for now!

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