Agnistambhasana (Firelog Pose)
I remember the first time I attended a class in which the teacher led us into Agnistambhasana (Firelog Pose). I wanted to run screaming out of the studio! My hips were on fire, and I thought I was being tortured! But I resisted that urge.
I stayed in the room and remained in the pose. Before I knew it, I was craving the sweet release that comes from spending time in Agnistambhasana and allowing my body to gradually let go of a tiny bit of tension in the hips every time I braved the intensity of this hip-flexibility pose.
Ever since then, I have practiced and taught this pose regularly. And while many of my students express serious dislike of it, they also recognize the benefit and the relief that they experience once they come out of it.
So I have decided to share these benefits with you with a step-by-step instructional video that will guide through how to approach and sustain this seated hip-releasing pose.
What You’ll Need
It’s possible you won’t need any props for Agnistambhasana. But I’d recommend that you have a blanket or two and a block (or two!), just in case. And a lot of patience!
30-Day Challenge
As I say in the video, I challenge you to spend a few minutes every day in Agnistambhasana (Firelog Pose) for 30 days. Just two minutes on each side will yield results for you if you are dedicated to those couple of minutes. I’ve had students take the 30-day challenge and report that they ended up increasing their time in the pose throughout the month! Your dedication will definitely pay off!
Lindel Hart teaches yoga online for PerfectFit Wellness. He lives in Western Massachusetts and teaches at Deerfield Academy, a private residential high school, as well as at Community Yoga and Wellness in Greenfield, MA. Visit his website, Hart Yoga.